
How I Teach

To be a good teacher, you need to know how to communicate to your student what you see in their swing that needs attention AND translating that into something the student can understand. Finding the right “angle” is key because not everyone learns the same. Here’s how I begin a lesson and how it progresses from…
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Is the “indian” or the “arrow” with your irons?

Is it you, the “indian’ — that is making the ball go left or right, or the “arrow” – the golf club, that is doing this? Now if your motion is not a consistent motion every time, then we need to work on the indian (you). But if you are making a consistent motion, then…
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Drills to improve your Putting

Putting accounts for 43% of your total score. Do you practice with your putter? Below are a few drills to get your mechanics on track and get your confidence soaring: Putt between 2 clubs: Place a ball in between clubs, keep head down, and keep putter head moving toward hole. If the ball or your putter…
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The Benefits of Getting Fitted for Clubs

I recently attended the PGA Magazine National Club Fitting Conference at the Concession for PGA and LPGA professionals. One of the sessions involved fitting a man into some new irons, as he was not hitting his own irons solidly and his shots were spraying left and right. What was interesting is that he bought his…
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