
Don’t Be Afraid to Pitch With Your Sand Wedge

The term ‘pitching’ is used to refer to a shot that lofts high and lands softly. But many golfers are not aware of using the sand wedge for these shots. I have often found that students are intimidated by the loft of the sand wedge — the face of the club is angled towards the…
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Do You Have a Pre-Shot Routine?

Most golfers have a pre-shot routine, but when I ask them what it is, they are not sure. One of the biggest difference between a tour player and an average golfer is that the tour player will never walk in from the side and make a practice swing right next to the ball. He or…
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Myths of the Golf Swing

“Keep your eye on the ball” “Keep your left arm stiff” “Cock your wrists when you start the backswing” “Turn your hips on the backswing” — What I have just written are what I call ‘Myths of the Golf Swing’  Let’s review these  myths: 1. X Keep your eye on the ball: without a doubt, this is the biggest…
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Practicing with a Purpose

In order to improve your game you must first know how to practice. A majority of players think that practicing means beating balls — wrong! First of all , their are two types of practice – mechanical practice and playing practice. Mechanical practice helps you groove your motion. You are working on parts of your…
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