With the game’s premier players going to higher-lofted drivers, average players can make the same switch to benefit them. According to published reports, the average driver loft on the PGA Tour in 2000 was eight degrees. By 2012, that number had crept up above nine degrees, and it may have gone even higher this year.…
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Working on your posture is key to a powerful and repeating swing
Good posture is critical in making solid, repeatable contact and having a balanced and powerful swing. For the irons your feet should be shoulder width apart and with the woods you should have a stance that is wider than shoulder width. Your spine — try to be straight as you can get it – I…
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7 Things A Player Must Do In A Competitive Round
Golf is a game of competence and confidence. Your muscles and your body are controlled by your mind. Unless your mind is functioning well when you play golf, your muscles are going to flounder. If your head is filled with bad thoughts, your scorecard will be filled with bad strokes. Every golfer has the potential…
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Fix the Flip
Do you top your shots or hit behind the ball — 0r your balls go left? (for right handers). The may cause may be that you are flipping your wrists on the downswing, which results in a loss of distance and accuracy. 60% of your power is lost when you flip your wrists on the downswing. What…
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