Getting Back to the Fundamentals

When it comes to your golf swing basics, there are four things that golfers need to prioritize above all else: Your grip, your posture, your stance, and your impact position. They’re all items golfers should be checking readily, but especially before you start playing a heavy stretch of golf, like before the start of the season.


Your top hand on the club is the most important, as once your place that on, your bottom hand just compliments it. Make sure your have a light grip on th club, and and that you generally want your palms opposing each other on the grip, with a slight turn with both hand to the right for righthanders, and to the left if you are lefthanded. (Of course, it may vary with each golfer depending on their ball flight).

#2 Posture

Good posture is one of those golf swing basics that amateurs don’t think about enough. To make sure your posture doesn’t get sloppy,  stand in an upright position and place a club across your hip bones, just below your waistline. Bend from the hips, not your back. you can help with this by keeping your back straight, and pushing the club back into your hips as you tilt your upper body forward. Let your arms hang naturally – you should not be reaching for the ball, not feel too close.

#3 Stance

Balance. Balance. Balance. All good golfers are in balance – from their set up to their finish. It starts with weight in middle of both feet (not on toes or heels), standing “tall to the ball” (Keep your height!) and feeling like you can look over a building and still be balanced. Iron stance with feet should  be shoulder width apart; for fairways and drivers a wider stance is  needed to support the swinging of the longer club.

#4 Impact

Now that your setup is in good shape, nail down your impact position — the most important part of your golf swing. Do this by taking your new setup position and making an abbreviated backswing, so your left arm (for righthanders, right arm for lefthanders) is parallel to the ground and your club shaft forms a 90-degree angle with your arm. Once you get set in that position, swing through and stop at impact. At this point,  your forward arm should be straight down at the ball with 80-85 % of weight on the front leg. STAY IN YOUR POSTURE. If you come of of your posture, you will be off balance.

Make sure your review these 4 points to make your golf swing more consistent.



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